Saturday, May 12, 2012

Crimsonblade Storage Hub

So, I started a project yesterday afternoon. I have been going through my storage homes, homes that Layla and I literally stuff full of holiday items, city festival and generally make ourselves look like virtual hoarders. We use a central hub with crafting stations, guild hall door, broker board and a harvest depot along with prestige house portals to all the homes that have storage in them. It makes it faster to travel to when we need to grab items.

I took a look around the Storage Hub yesterday and it just looked so... lonely after I cleaned it out, so I decided... it's a home! it needs decorating! Layla is probably going to kill me for decorating it out instead of leaving it as the item dumping place it had become, but hey that's what you got to sacrifice for decorating fun right? Right?

It's not finished yet, but I'm not sure what else to do except a few minor things with setting up more apprentices and more portals and things, so I thought I would show it off. I'm also waiting for the halas festival because I stumbled upon a really awesome thing I like and I want to do more of it in this place. Anyway, have a peek at how it looks.

Entrance - Crafting area and a place for Layla's Elite Apprentices.

How awesome does that look!?

The Storage Home Portal Room - Each portal is labeled with a Freeport Sign to tell us what home contains what kind of items since I always forget which is which. Just to mess with Layla I rearranged these portals to start with whichever city festival starts in Jan on the left and the same on the right with events/holiday things.

We have uh run into an issue lately of running out of room in our storage homes, so we've had to add additional ones. I hope I don't have to add more than this!

There's not much else to see just yet, except for my lonely apprentice in his room and a lonely portal in one of the other rooms.

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