Monday, June 25, 2012

The Royal Armory

Following a couple of my previous homes, The Royal Brewery and The Royal Library, I bring you The Royal Armory! This is a branch of the Royal House Swiftblade guild hall, part of Neversea's family estates that stretch for miles! This is the section of the armory that visitors are allowed inside!

Name: Neversea
Location: Felwithe Mansion - South Qeynos
Server: Antonia Bayle
Decorator(s): Neversea and Lalayla Crimsonblade
Housing Leader Board: Massive Homes - The Royal Armory

Entryway, guarded by the house guards of course! Weapons are allowed here, but I'd be careful to only them against the training dummies and not the guards!

The First Training arena. Most of the family can be seen here at one time another, either training by themselves or with one another. Many of the house guards are allowed to use the arena as well.

First Arena Ceiling

Hall of Historic Weapons. Some of these weapons have been wielded by previous members of the house. Centuries of history and legends lay among these weapons.

Small training rooms. Inside these rooms are scrolls of ancient teachings of differing fighting styles anywhere from with blade to hand and foot techniques the family has collected over the centuries.

The Main Training Arena is a large area usually used for larger duels and training that can encompass the entire arena or only a small section. It has been made large to accommodate any style of fighter or dueling.

Half Domed ceiling

Using the telepad at the front of the armory will allow individuals access to the three meditation areas of the Armory. these are used for resting and meditation as meditation is a great part of a good fighter's training. Each room is settled into a different type of meditation area, suited for different individuals.

First up: Tunare's Grove

Next, Rodcet Nife's Melody

And last, Prexus' Fire

Thanks for visiting!

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