A while back I did up this project: A Pirate's Timeless Tale and I had said there would be more to the story as this is a HUGE project. Well, this isn't exactly a continuation of that story, but it is, in its own way, connected to it.
Each ship, though similar, is designed with a particular theme. I wanted the ships to have the same feel, but also a different feel. There's always the basic stuff a ship needs - A Mess Hall, A Barracks, The Captain's Cabin and a Hold for treasure. Sometimes even a place to shove prisoners or naughty crewmen. Here in the Crimsonblade Armada, we simply make them walk the plank. It's probably best to not get on the Captain's bad side. Unless you like sleeping with the fishes.
I actually worked on all of these ships and another at the exact same time. I would decorate up one room on one ship and then move to the next and the next. i wanted them all done at about the same time, but it was also just easier to do and helped to make each ship different by doing that.
The Crimsonblade Armada
It all began with a ship.
She rested in the docks, the wind fluttering across her closed
sails. The waves gently splashed against
her hull. Loud laughs, singing and
conversation flowed across the docks from many other ships, but the crew of this
ship was much louder than the rest. Their
worn leather boots, aged too quickly with the salt water, thundered across the
docks as they moved cargo to and from the ship.
Name: Phoenixblade
Location: Galleon of Dreams, Qeynos
Server: Antonia Bayle
Leaderboards: Medium Homes, Phoenixblade (soon to be available to tour)
Decorator(s): Neversea and Lalayla Crimsonblade
Men and even women of different races sail this ship under the command of Dread Pirate Captain Neversea Crimsonblade. She serves as the Flagship to his Armada. No one is quite certain just how many ships belong in this Armada, but three are known while one is only spoken of as a myth.
Name: Neverzea
Location: Galleon of Dreams, Freeport
Server: Antonia Bayle
Leaderboards: Medium Homes, The Blushing Maiden
Decorator(s): Neversea and Lalayla Crimsonblade
With a crew of Othmir who loyally serve choose to serve the Dread Pirate Captain, this ship sails as the second ship in the Crimsonblade Armada. Her chosen heading generally takes her through the icier waters of Velious and beyond.
Name: Neverzea
Location: Galleon of Dreams, Freeport
Server: Antonia Bayle
Leaderboards: Medium Homes, Phoenixblade
Decorator(s): Neversea and Lalayla Crimsonblade
Of all the Dread Pirate Captain's ship, Innoruuk's Kiss is the most feared for her crew consists of the undead and those who lay between both death and life. A haunting melody follows her wherever she goes. Her deck reeks of cold, but not of death. Many of the other ship's crews will not step foot upon her deck. Guests are rarely seen upon or below her decks, but there are some who are at peace walking among the undead.
To read more about the Armada's origins go here: What Once Was Lost