Name: Neverzea
Location: Galleon of Dreams, Freeport
Server: Antonia Bayle
Leaderboards: Medium Homes, Phoenixblade
Decorator(s): Neversea and Lalayla Crimsonblade
Innoruuk's Kiss was designed for the personal use by Dame Euryale (owner of Soulfire Club). As Euryale is a teir'dal from Neriak, I wanted to tie that into the ship. There is, of course, a story behind Innoruuk's Kiss and why she was chosen specifically for the Dame. Which you'll find a little further down in the tour.
Innoruuk's Kiss. Say Hello to Mr. Lackslife. He always smiles.
Alter to Innoruuk
Complete With Sacrificial Room/Torture Room
Though there is not much need for a barracks on the Kiss due to her crew consisting of a good portion of undead, there are enough non-undead crewmen for the need of a barracks.
Navigation Room
The Mess Hall
The Hold
The Captain's Cabin
Captain's Cabin Bath
The Loft
The Summoning Circle
Each of the five elements are represented - Left to right: Air, Fire and Soul/Spirit
Water, Earth and Air again
Despair, the Black Violin
Originally, I had planned to use a completely different item, but as I could not find that item I had to think of something. I was actually going to retrieve another item that would work when I decided to build Despair. She had a place here on this ship and it was where she belonged.
I didn't have any idea on how to make a violin. Generally I would scale down a Maj'Dul lute and use it as such, but I had a good portion of item count left. And Despair was special and a key to this ship as she is the one who has drawn, called the undead and spirits that care for the Kiss.
My first thought was that pieces of the body of the violin would need to be round in some form. I had planned on flipping some black marble stairs on their sides for the edges and the rounded tiles for the top, but the stairs would have made it just fair too thick and large. So I decided I would figure out the sides later and just started with the basic body which consists of 3 black marble rounded tiles - two at the smallest size and 1 just a bit bigger.
I played with layering the 3 tiles in various ways to get the right shape. Once I was satisfied, it was time to get the neck done. I had already decided that black marble railings would work best, but I was afraid they would be too large like the stairs. However, they weren't! Heck the smallest size was too small!
I started on the strings next. I tried the keys from Bonemire first, but those weren't very good as strings. They did work for the uh prongs at the top of the neck(I have no idea what they're called). After I set those I went back to searching for strings. I wanted to use some of the wall mounted bow, but as I wanted the violin to float, these poked out of the bottom, so that was out.
Weapons seemed the best choice as some of them were thin enough to work. I tried various ones and other various items. But eventually I settled on the Tropy: Lady Fiana's Gentle Suggestion. Thankfully I still had some characters with those stashed in banks.
Despair is actually supposed to have silver edging and silver inlays, but I couldn't find anything silver that would well. So I decided on trying the Burnished Steel rounded tiles. It wasn't silver, but they worked quite well. I sized them just a tad bigger than the black tiles so the gold would show on the outside.
After all that...I needed to make it much much thicker. It was a very flat violin with only those 6 tiles. What easier way to thicken it by just adding more tiles? So...I bought a ton of the burnished steel rounded tiles, grabbed my black marbles ones and just started copying the layers until I got a thickness I liked. I also added some burnished steel railings for the detailing around the neck of the violin. You can't see it, but the back of the neck is also gold.
The curly bit on the end (Nipik's Cane) was slightly pure accident. I was gonna use it from something else, but it was I thought...hey! Curly bit! It really pulled the whole idea of a violin together IMO.
Despair is a bit too big to actually be played by anything but an ogre...but it works for what I wanted so I'm okay with it being a bit bigger than it needs to. At least it's not ginormous.