Name: Soulfireannex
Location: Mistmoore Crag Estates, Freeport
Server: Antonia Bayle
Decorator(s): Neversea and Lalayla Crimsonblade
Normally, I would have created a NOTD theme home in the central Soulfire location, but with the recent redesign of the hub, it was at max and so was the box, so there was no way to redesign in there.
I was not going to do a Soulfire NOTD home period this year due to RL biting me, but I felt bad for not designing something at all and when double XP started this last weekend... I decorated instead of leveling alts.
This design took about 13 hours to do, 6 of those purely on the wall and floor coverings. Without further ado, I give you the Soulfire 2013 NOTD. Enjoy.
The Bar
The Pumpkin Guides
The Mansion
Poker Room
The Spider Room (You'll have to explore this one yourself. That's as far as I could go in there!)
Temple of the Great Pumpkin
The Crypt
The Dissection Room
The Graveyard
The Sweet Shop
It's a monster bunny! It has fangs! Look at the bones!
The Lounge
The Private Suite